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Hacking forum / Software utile / Everest Dictionary 3.1.0  
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Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 273

Everest Dictionary is the greatest of the free dictionaries available to the public. Everest Dictionary este cea mai mare de dictionare liber la dispozitia publicului. There are 35 dictionaries available to date. Its creator assured us that he will keep adding other dictionaries. Exista 35 dictionare disponibile pāna īn prezent. Creatorul ei ne-a asigurat ca īsi va pastra adaugarea de alte dictionare. The capabilities of this dictionary: Capacitatile acestui dictionar:
- Covers all main european languages - Acopera toate principalelor limbi europene
- The possibility to search words in many dictionaries - Posibilitatea de a cuvintele de cautare īn dictionare multe
- It is possible to search words across many dictionaries - Este posibil sa cuvintele de cautare īn dictionare multi
- It is possible to sesarch words using an index - Este posibil sa cuvintele sesarch folosind un index
- Speech agent; in the beta version, only the English words are correctly pronunced - Discurs agent īn versiune beta, numai cuvinte īn limba engleza sunt corect pronunced
- Intuitive aspect - Aspect intuitiv
- The search of the words can be customised - Cautare de cuvinte pot fi personalizate
- The double-click-ing on a word will generate the automatic search of that in the active dictionaries - Dublu-clic-Ing pe un cuvant va genera de cautare automata a ca, īn dictionare active
- Back button to return to the previous definition - Butonul Īnapoi pentru a reveni la definitia precedenta
- It monitors the clipboard; in any program, a simple copy of the word to the clipboard using "Copy" command will have as effect the automatic search of the word in the dictionary. - Sa monitorizeze īn clipboard, īn orice program, o copie simpla a cuvāntului īn clipboard folosind "Copie" comanda va avea ca efect de cautare automata a cuvānt īn dictionar.
- It includes a little window (in order to learn new words), where it shows a word at random from the loaded dictionary - Acesta include o fereastra mica (īn scopul de a īnvata cuvinte noi), īn cazul īn care acesta prezinta un cuvānt la īntāmplare din dictionar īncarcate
- The color of the found words can be customised. - De culoare de cuvintele gasite pot fi personalizate.
- Everest Instant: translate words using clicking on words in the open documents - Everest Instant: traduce cuvintele folosind click pe cuvinte īn documentele de deschidere
- Everest Game: a good tool for testing your knowledge of the language - Everest Joc: un bun instrument pentru a-ti testa cunostintele de limba
- Everest Translator NEW - translate texts in severeal languages - Everest Translator NOU - traduce texte īn mai multe limbi
- Everest Glossary NEW - create your own glossaries - Everest Glosar NOU - Creeaza-ti propriul Glosare
- Everest Share NEW - share your glossaries and translations with your friends - Everest Share NOU - cota de glosare si traduceri cu prietenii tai
- Everest Resources NEW - manage your favorite web sites - Everest noi resurse - gestioneaza site-urile dumneavoastra preferate de web


pus acum 15 ani
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